Oil on canvas/support: 407 x 610 mm frame: 640 x 833 x 85 mm/painting
走廊的地上有一朵巨大的向日葵張牙舞爪的在地毯上,真人比例的洋娃娃斜靠在門邊,一個長髮被風往上吹的女孩子經過這個走廊。主要是在表達童年的幻想和夢魘的情節,就像是小時候我們會很怕一些鬼故事一樣。還有部分回應TANNING喜歡的歌德小說的內容。Ein Klein Nachtmusik=A little night music的意思,似乎小諷刺Mozart的作品。
"Then as now the decibels of nature can crush an artist's brain. I have seen it happen. So I lock the door and paint interiors. Great events. A white and dark picture would muffle the red world outside. Big bare rooms with white frozen figures, like Sodom and Gomorrah. There is opalescent light and velvet dark. Isn't that the artist's best joy, to control light? To rival the sun and moon, to turn their logic upside down with brushes and paint and monstrous egos? I am here." (Dorothea Tanning/Birthday)